Welcome !
We are a Gospel singing group located in the beautiful hills of West Virginia. Our
soul purpose for singing is to please the Lord! Our goal is not to be seen and heard,
but rather to do our best to give the Lord what He deserves; our ""Reasonable Service.""
We don't believe that our works alone are enough to make us worthy to enter Heaven, but
our faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. This faith in the Lord and our reasonable service,
will be what it takes for us to make it HOME. That's all it takes for you too, to make it
into God's great Heaven and win eternal life to ever be with the Lord.
"Ecclesiastes 12:13:
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments:
for this is the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN. "
It is truly an honor to serve the one and only True and Living God ! One you can turn to at any hour and He is there to hear and to comfort you by His Holy Spirit. We believe that the signs are pointing to His soon coming so don't delay, make the most important decision of your life: Choose the Lord.
Once again thank you and please leave us some feedback in our Guestbook.